06 November 2014


كثرت صور الغيوم في العلاء، وتذكر الناس لهم حدود
قد نكون بقايا نجوم السماء، والأرض أقرب لنا الوجود
ما لنا نأمل من السماء والماء، وأَعْيُنِنا على الناس حسود
ما عاد بها أي وفاء، ما عاد فيها متى يعود

13 October 2014

ما أحسن الهوى

يا من ابدع الخالق بالحسن مظهره
يا من تبكي له الليالي السود اقمارا
ان كان من القضاء فاصبحت محبه
وان كان القدر لم يكتب فالغد لقيانا
لم اكتب كلمات الشوق من قبل له
ولكن حثني القلب ان اكتبه ازمانا
فأين أنت..
أين أنت والروح لك ولهانة
كأني اخ ولدته امه
ودار الزمان بيننا فرقانا
حتى حان وقت لقياه
وما كان من نصيبي ولا حتى الآن
عجزت ان المح له بالحب فهو
عاشق مغرم وقد كان ما كان
فها أنا الآن أُحَطَّمُ 
على وهم الهوى حطاما

18 September 2014

No problem

As I was saying, the only problem I face right now is that no one will ever understand.

21 May 2014

Everything is past

It is impossible to see what's happening now because light takes time to travel to your eyes. Therefore, everything you see happened already.

15 May 2014

الناس أجناس

ارواح تائــهة فــلا تكـون
وناس تافـهة تقول اخون
تفخر فــاعـلة ولا تعـــون
تفعل فاحشة ولا تصـون

10 May 2014

I Lose

The sun shines when I see your face
And the world is safe when you are here
I wander, not lost, there is no place
In this world for us I fear
I pray, one day in your embrace
But He knows best for you and me

So long my friend and have a good day
So long, I just want to play
Today, and together everyday
And forever. Do you know that I pray?

The heart hurts, all suffering and pain
And hope seems to be too far away
Was it a choice in the past I made?
Or because I was born this way?
Indeed, nothing in this life is fair
So fuck, live and die is what I say

Oh, God, let us in heaven
Where we live and love forever
Peace upon us all together
There is no pain, there is pleasure

So long my friend and have a good day
So long, with you, I want to play
Today, and together everyday
And forever. Do you know that I pray?

Oh, God, let us all in heaven
Where we live and love forever
Peace upon us all together
There is no pain, there is only pleasure

4 Life Changing Tips

1. Look at yourself.
In the mirror, at your eyes, your lips, the gum between your teeth, the buds on your tongue. Take a look at your body, very closely, to where you see the hair grows. Have an appreciation for your body, and show your beauty. Get clean, shave, and take a shower. Put on your best outfit and have small breakfast at a restaurant before you go to work. Say "hey" and "hello" to everyone you meet, don't forget to throw a smile their way as well; it will make their day, and yours too.

2. Look at the landscapes, the trees and the sky.
When you are not busy, and taking a break from work, smell the fresh air and look up in the sky. If there are clouds, look at how far they are, or how close. Look at how the clear sky is blue, and how this mental trick makes you feel like a fool. Have a new appreciation for beauty everywhere you look around you. In the trees and the birds, even in bugs. Look at how small you are in this universe, yet how powerful your impact on this planet.

3. Switch dislike to like.
Is there a person that hurt your feelings? Forgive them. As a matter of fact, be the first to call them, apologize and show them your love. Have mercy on your enemy and treat it kindly. Be the smarter person and show others that you enjoy their company.

4. Start believing.
In God put your trust and have hope. It is true, that what we expect from life is what we get. So, have good expectations, that what is yet to come is better, that people are good and kind, that we make life much better as together we walk the line. Start believing and never stop.

Love Kills

Caterpillar's metamorphosis, why do I wish it happens too soon?
The dry tear that I can't cry, and unspoken words will make ruin.
Hidden is love filled with passion, like the hanging gardens of Babylon.
Kill me, 'cuz all I want to say is "I love you."

Never have I been told of my influence in life.
Never have I been told that my existence is not a lie.
Yes, I thought I was insignificant until the day I die.
Then I see your pretty face, your beauty gets me high.

All I want in life is to kiss your lips soon.
You and I, watching total eclipse of the moon.
And in the dark we play, the fire in my room.
Once and twice, but in reality, boom.

I never hurt you, I want no trouble.
I just want us to love one another.
And if you want to kill me for your pleasure,
Stab me in the heart until blood dry, kiss is no pressure.

I Killed My Hater

Yo, homie
I thought you were there for me
When I needed you, you bailed on me
You're the one guilty as charged, 
but you put the blame on me
Not only that I'm innocent, that was my baby
My baby, baby, is gone
With a single blast of gun
You call yourself a homie, well you're wrong
Because a homie will not be a motherfucker on the run

Now I'm in jail
Waiting on a bail
And you are not
I wish, on your body, falls hail
To crack your motherfucking skull
But wait, my hater
Because sooner or later

Non-sense I'm in here
Belonging with all these queers
While you're there, free
Free as a bird

My baby, oh my darling baby
Did not see it coming
My baby is now a bird in heaven, but after what?
You fuckin' raped her, waited and then killed her
While on me is all the blame
You're the one who should be in jail
My fuckin' hater
Wait, because sooner or later

I'm in jail, but wait until I get there
Where? Right next to your fuckin' head
I will hold my gun, yes right there, and I will make you wait...
I killed my hater..
And it was sooner, not later..

06 May 2014

فداك الروح

كيـف تبيــع انســان      وهو بالــروح شـاريــك

ناطر مـن هالزمـان       لحظة بــس يــداريــك

شايف في كل مكان     صورتك وبالخير يطريك

بيضمك بكل حنـان       ارجع لي، واللي يعافيـك

03 May 2014

حكمة اليوم

كلما تعلم الانسان شيئاً، زادت سعادته. وان استوعب معرفته اصبح متقلب المزاج. والسبب: ان استيعابه لما حوله يجعله حاضراً وواعياً للموقف، فتارة تسعده وتارة تبكيه.

02 May 2014

فداك الروح

You are the reason i'm alive
Without you, there is no meaning in my life. 

30 April 2014

خاطرة اليوم

قل هل هي عيناي من بعيد لا تبصران
أو الروح عن الجسم بعيد
هل أنا من دونك نهر وبحر لا يلتقيان
أو النوح في قلبي ما تريد
أقول لك كلمات الهوى على الجدران
وكأن بيننا حاجز من حديد
ليـس مرادي أن أحـبك حـتى الآن
ولٰكن أمشي كما قلبي يريد

25 April 2014

Learning from the future already

Be the person, when meeting anyone after a long time of distance, and asked the question: "what have happened in your life since the last time we met?" Reply with what you are about to do in the future.

18 February 2014

12 February 2014

The Wolves Of Winter Wound

Yes, I walk this journey all alone
Yes, I don't have a place to stay
You can keep calling this house a home
As for me, I feel as a dog astray
I keep my gaze at the sun and the moon
While you are too busy with what you say
I keep walking against the flow of clone
I keep my head up, I'm made of clay
I miss the warm summer and much more
But now the winter cold made me a prey
The wolves have not seen the power of roam
They can only assume and to God they pray
That no one will know of the trap they own
And they want to catch you, how could they?
You walk this journey all alone
You have no fear, nor a place to stay

04 February 2014


One can never forget love.

You can forget your name,
but you can never forget your love.

28 January 2014

رحلة نهاية قلوب العذارى

هي اول حب له وهو اول حب لها
وامسكا ايدي بعض فهم احب عشاقا
مرت ليالي وازداد حبهم لهم
حتى كادا يعلما انهم ازواجا
كانا حريصين ان لا يعلم بحبهم بشر
وان بعض البشر مليء بالخبث والجشاعة
بل ازداد عددهم بكثرة حتى اصبحوا
هم اكثر من الحريص، مجتمع الأشواك
اخبروا بعضهم بحبهم لهم
وامسوا عشيات بالحمى ركازا
حتى حبهم بنى لهم بيتا
فيه يحتمون من الناس سباتا
زاد حبهم لبعضهم وباتوا
على اراضي الحرير وقد حان ميقاتا
سلام على حبهم فقالوا
لنا لقاء في الغد وشوق الآن اشواقا
بشر خبث كانوا له
ناصحين وما هم خير اقواما
هاتكين العرض وقد كانوا
اول من سرق قلوب العذارى
هزه هزاً ما قيل له
وصدق قولهم وهم اشرارا
فكتب كل ما في قلبه
ولم يفكر قط انه ارتكب الأخطاء
سلم لها بيدها ظرفاً
فيه كلمات بالأسى بوّاحة
قال لها اياك ان تبدئي
كوني بحماك فاقرأي محتواها
عادت إلى حماها وقد بدأت
رحلة نهاية قلوب العذارى
هي صيحة في وسط دموعٍ
سالت على الأنهاد وكأنها أنهارا
خطفت أنفاسها كل الكلمات
فأمست على سريرها حطاما
كانت هي لحظة النوى
كانا هي وهو أحبابا

10 January 2014


A funny place with lame people, a good place with bad people.

05 January 2014

Violence Is In My Nature

It is such a great feeling when I destroy your pretty face
And I see pieces of your flesh scatter all over the place
No one will ever know where I hid your body, in which suit case
Burnt and buried beneath the sands, there is no one trace

Your eyes will be decorated with the remaining shoe lace
A great present for your mom, she will suffer a mental case
Poor mother can't remember the last time you were in her embrace
As for your room, don't worry, for rent there will be extra space